(Science: Physical Science 8)
Parents to signup for Parent / Teacher conferences please go to:
Jeff Hines Parent Night Video
Greatings Science Students, you will need to use the following resources to follow the class curriculum. Refer to Infinite Campus to review your grades and Missing Assignments
- Use Google classroom for Classroom materials; such as Lab Questions, Power Points
- Please Email me when you have completed a Late assignment that requires Grading. Be specific and refer me to the Title of the Late Work
- Google Classroom: https://classroom.google.com
Please see below the Class codes for your class period
Hello 8th grade Students Welcome to your Science Class.
You will need the following for your science course:
- 1 composition book
- clear ruler
- Box of Tissues
your brain and a pleasant attitude
Open class below to view course calendar for:8th grade Physical Science, Wrestling, GCY
Click here to view more Northland Prep teachers or choose from the following resources: