Hola! I am Anamaria (Velasco) Ortiz and I am affectionately known as “Maestra.” I have taught Spanish at Northland Preparatory Academy for the past 21 years. Our school has been through a ton of changes and I am very glad I have been a part of its community for so long. Previously, I have taught all levels of Spanish but will be teaching only Spanish I and II this coming school year. I love the language and the culture. I am Mexican American but I identify as Chicana. I have three kids, one graduated two years ago and one will be a senior this year at NPA. My youngest will be starting 6th grade here at NPA this year too! I am a fourth generation Flagstaff native. I am very active in the community and have a special place in my heart for the outdoors. I welcome you to my Spanish I or Spanish II class for the 2022-2023 school year. Together we will have a great year!
Supplies for SPANISH I and II 2022-2023 school year:
1 College Ruled Composition Notebook
A laptop or tablet to do homework and access Google Classroom
3×5 index cards as needed
Colored pens or pencils (for note taking and grading)
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